Live Site Mapping

Real-time data allows for analysing risks before they occur

Did you know that 90% of information transmitted by brain is visual?

Bespoke Maps & Visualisations

Clearly visualise your area of responsibility, with maps built for your specific site so that you can monitor all activity remotely. Clearly see areas of concern and where you need to intervene to ensure that you are not only complying with all your required regulations but are optimising the customer experience.


Interested in learning more about how Over-C can help?
Call +44 20 7873 2352 or Request a consultation

People & Events Inside a Train

When your facility is a fast moving site whose cargo is thousands of individuals all boarding and disembarking at different times, keeping an accurate picture of events requires a sophisticated network of sensors.


OnSite: Live Data Visualisation

Experience a live and complete overview of how your business is performing and understand and address all operational issues and risks. Visualise all of your activities in one easy to interpret dashboard.


Event Log

Reporting is by exception, escalating incidents in real-time without overwhelming staff with operational detail. Over-C manages all frontline resources on a single platform keeping an accurate record of events.


Incidents & Tasks

Get instant visibility and notify the right people to take action to resolve an incident. Our live map visual dashboard gives an aerial view of your facility to quickly see where and when incidents occur.


Interested in learning more about how Over-C can help?
Call +44 20 7873 2352 or Request a consultation

Customer Success Stories

“It’s taken a lot of pressure off us regarding compliance and it’s created better relationships between management and staff.”
Steve Elliott
Head of Major Stations